Monday, April 26, 2021

2 Nephi 17, Isaiah 7

 2 Nephi 17Isaiah 7

1-9 Ephraim (Northern Israel’s ten tribes) and Syria wage war against

Judah (Southern Kingdom and King Ahaz)

10-16 Christ shall be born of a virgin

17-25 Israel will become desolate due to apostasy

Rezin - King of Syria

Pekah - King of Israel

Uzziah - King of Judah

Ahaz - King of Judah

Jothan - King of Judah


There will be war Israel, the Northern Kingdom, along with Syria, will wage war

against Judah, the Southern Kingdom.

What is the difference between Syria and Assyria?

There is some overlap between Assyrians and Syrians as the heartland of 

ancient Assyria reached into northeastern Syria and as such there are still 

some Assyrians living in Syria. That being said, the Assyrians and the 

Syrians are two different people groups by and large. The Assyrians are

 a pre-Arab Near Eastern people whose civilization stretches back n

early 5000 years. They live primarily in the regions of northern Mesopotamia, 

their historic homeland. The Syrian people are citizens of the modern 

nation-state of Syria which is composed primarily of Arabs and Kurds.


Jesus will be born of the virgin, Mary.

After Mary gave birth to Jesus, she still maintained her virginity.

Alma 7:10

10 And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem 

which is the land of our forefathers, she being a virgin

a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed 

and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and 

bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God.

His name would be called Immanuel, "God with us."

He will choose the Good.

He will eat butter and honey.


Israel will turn their backs unto the Lord and fall away from the truth,

from that which is good and righteous. They will worship idols, false gods,

and will stray from the strait and narrow path leading to eternal life.

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