1-4 Isaiah sees the Lord and seraphim ( ministering angels) each having
six wings
5-7 Isaiah’s sins are forgiven
8-12 Isaiah’s call to the ministry. He prophesies that the Jews will reject
Christ’s teachings.
13 A remnant of Israel having some righteousness shall return
Part 1: 1-4: Isaiah sees the Lord
Isaiah had a vision wherein he saw, with his spiritual eyes, the Lord, Jesus Christ, sitting on a throne in heaven or a temple or a house. Isaiah was a man of great faith. His faith and righteousness enabled him to have the veil parted and be able to see the other side of the veil, even to see Jesus (2 Nephi 11:2).
Angels are surrounding Jesus. WE don't know just who these angels were, but they must have been choice spirits in order to surround Jesus and be next to Him in His glorious presence.
Each angel has 3 pairs of wings:
1 pair covered its face. 1 pair covered its feet. 1 pair enabled the angel to fly.
One angel spoke: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory."
Three in Hebrew is superlative.
Isaiah saw that the house was filled with the Holy Ghost.
Who were the angels that stood around Jesus?
What was the purpose of the angels, their mission?
Part 2: 5-8: Isaiah's sins are forgiven
One of the angels comes down, lifts up a tong and picks up a hot coal from the altar and touches Isaiah's lips with the hot coal. This is symbolic of Isaiah's sins being forgiven because Isaiah said that he was a man of unclean lips.
Part 3: 9-11: Isaiah's call to the ministry.
Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send?" Isaiah responded, "Here am I, send me."
Isaiah was then called by Jesus to the ministry, to preach the gospel to people. The Lord warned Isaiah that the preaching would be very challenging, that many would reject the word, but that some would accept it.
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