Monday, July 17, 2023

 2 Nephi 12:5 “Walk in the Light of the Lord”

Jesus is light, even the Light of the World. Satan is the dark of the world.

Light is truth and peace

and goodness and righteousness. Walk the paths that Jesus walked, and

you will be walking the paths

of righteousness, filled with light.

All good things are light and stem from Christ, for He is the author and finisher

of our faith and

good works. “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or good report or praiseworthy,

we seek after

these things.” (Article of Faith 13).

(The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,

restored through Joseph Smith and others in the last days.

 In Jesus there is no darkness. 

  1. His atonement is light

  2. His words are light

  3. His life is light

  4. His doctrine is light

  5. His love is light

  6. His patience is light

  7. His long-suffering is light

  8. His tolerance is light.

  9. His mercy is light

  10. His justice is light

  11. His blood is light

  12. His Gethsemane is light

  13. His Crucifixion is light

  14. His death is light

  15. His resurrection is light

  16. His scriptures are light

  17. His gospel is light

  18. His plan of salvation is light

  19. His countenance is light

  20. His scriptures are light

  21. His birth is light

  22. His smile is light

  23. His parables are light

  24. His miracles are light

  25. His commandments are light

  26. His prayers are light

  27. His mediation is light

  28. His character is light

  29. His power is light

  30. His knowledge is light

  31. His presence is light

  32. His Sabbath Day is light

There is no darkness in or about Christ. He is Light.

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