Mosiah 15:7
Jesus was crucified and slain according to the will of the Father. Jesus swallowed up His own will to do the Father's will. Jesus prayed that the bitter cup would pass from Him, nevertheless, not His will but the will of the Father be done. Jesus humbled himself unto death, even the death of the cross. Jesus chose to die at the moment that He did, after all His work was completed as commanded by His Father. He finished all that He was sent to do.
Mosiah 16:8
Christ's resurrection gave victory over the grave so that there would be no sting in one's dying. Christ's resurrection brings resurrection upon all who have ever lived in mortality.
Mosiah 18:2
Christ's power, sufferings, death, resurrection, and ascension paved the way and opened the door for all in the human family to be redeemed, resurrected, and to live forever in a resurrected, glorified body of flesh, bones, and spirit--no blood. Everyone who has ever had a physical body will be resurrected, spirit and body being reunited. "And what is it ye shall hope for? Ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of His resurrection to be raised unto Life Eternal, and this because of your faith in Him according to the promise" (Moroni 10:41).
Christ's resurrection gives us hope. Knowing that we will eventually be resurrected and live forever gives us more meaning for living now, giving us purpose and direction on how to live our lives now in mortality. It empowers us to look beyond death and joyfully anticipate a bright future eternity in the hereafter if we have faith in Christ, repent, are baptized into the true church, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure faithfully to the end of our mortal lives.
Alma 21:9
Redemption and resurrection will come to all because of Christ's sufferings, death, resurrection, and the atonement of His blood.
Alma 7:12
Jesus died for all the human family. He had the will, a willingness to suffer and die on the cruel cross in order for Him to be resurrected and for us to all live. This was all part of Heavenly Father's plan of salvation and happiness.
His bowels are filled with mercy. Bowels mean the most profound part or areas of something. In the case of Jesus, His bowels mean his deepest compassion, feelings, love, emotions, mercy, understanding, and grace.
Alma 16:19
The sufferings of Jesus. Jesus suffer pain and agony in Gethsemane where He suffered the pain of all humankind. He suffered during His trials with Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate Herod and Pilate. He suffered while walking the Via Dolorosa. He suffered unimaginable pain while being crucified on the cross. His suffering brings joy to us.
Alma 22:14
14 "And since man had fallen he could not merit anything of himself."
Merit (verb) - to be worthy of, to deserve.
President Hinckley said, “ Without the atonement, there would be nothing,
absolutely nothing. There would be no purpose in life-none whatever
because there would not be immortality. It would be meaningless.
The whole earth would be frustrated.”
Mormon 9:13
To redeem is to set free.
Christ's resurrection redeems us from death. His resurrection makes it possible for us all to be resurrected. It brings us back to the Father; otherwise, we would all be wasted.
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