Saturday, December 22, 2018

Brass Plates

The Plates of Brass, January 1988 Ensign, Robert Millet

Brass Plates Guide to the Scriptures
A record of the Jews from the beginning to 600 B.C., containing many writings of the prophets (1 Ne. 5:10–16). This record was kept by Laban, one of the Jewish elders in Jerusalem. While Lehi and his family were in the wilderness, Lehi sent his sons back to Jerusalem to obtain this record (1 Ne. 3–4). (For further information, see “A Brief Explanation about the Book of Mormon,” which is in the Book of Mormon.)

Contents of the Brass Plates, BYU Studies. John Welch
Book of Mormon Plates and Records, The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

  •  How Laban obtained these plates and where they originally came from are not known. 
  • The plates of brass were the basic scriptures of the Nephite nation, and for centuries their prophets read them, quoted them in sermons, and excerpted material from them to enrich their own writings.

What parts of the Brass Plates were in the Old Testament? Book of Mormon Central

What happened to the Brass Plates? Did Moroni take them? Ask Gramps

  • So the Brass Plates of Laban were never in the hands of Joseph Smith

The Plates of Brass Yet to Carry out a Great Mission. Scott Proctor. Meridian Magazine
The Brass Plates, Andrew Skinner and other professors, etc. Video 2.5 minutes
The Brass Plates, Book of Mormon Stories, Video, 4 minutes
The Brass Plates and Biblical Scholarship, John Sorenson